Saturday, November 29, 2003

Making Headway...

I am progressing in my attempt to organize our basement. It is still unfinished and so it has absolutely no storage containers on the walls such as bookshelves or cabinets. So any kind of organization has to be very creative. But also there seems to be a fertility about that area of the house in that anything that you put down there seems to multiply rapidly. It doesn't matter how often I take things to the goodwill, or the dump.. is just as much if not more the next time I attempt to get the things together. I am being ruthless this time and not allowing anything to stay if it hasn't been used in the last 6 months. But of course my ruthlessness is not at all as extreme as others in my household. I don't let them down here for cleaning very often because they don't have as much sentimentality as I do.. Oh well.

I am going to try an experiment and put some money down here to see if it multiplies as well as the toys and storage things. Wish me luck!


Holidays at our house are never as big as what is imagined in society. We're pretty laid back about most things. Thanksgiving and Christmas included. We did have a different kind of meal than normal, but it wasn't huge. We had dessert so that made it different also. My mom-n-law came over but she is over lots so that made it feel even more normal. But 'normal' isn't bad. It was a nice stay-at-home kind of day with a meal in the middle of it. We didn't go for the turkey this year as last year's had a magot in it.. Don't ask if you have a weak stomach! It wasn't a pretty sight and the kids didn't want to relive that.. so no turkey here for awhile. The little ones came down with a type of flu and they wanted to sleep most of the day or have me hold them. The normalacy of the day continued by some basic cleaning that always happens and I even went and organized some of the tornado downstairs while the kids slept. I enjoy days that are special, but making them enormously fancy and overdone is getting more and more unappealing. Not that I have ever been accused of overdoing a holiday *smile*! so all-in-all .. it was a basic but nice day.


Thursday, November 27, 2003

Prov 3:5-8
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and depart from evil.
8 It will be health to your flesh,And strength to your bones.

What does it mean to trust? If all we have, of a particular situation, is our understanding of it.. how do we lean on God and not our own understanding? What does it mean to acknowledge God? How does God dirct our paths?

Because this is my birthday Proverb I have read it alot. Trusting God is alot harder than it sounds. You'd think it it would be the easiest thing in the world but it's not. I think alot of why it's not is that it's not always easy to discern when it is God's wisdom or just our understanding directing the situation.

1 : to recognize the rights, authority, or status of
2 : to disclose knowledge of or agreement with
3 a : to express gratitude or obligation for b : to take notice of c : to make known the receipt of
4 : to recognize as genuine or valid

Reading that kind of puts things in perspective... To recognize that God has the rights and authority over my life. To tell Him I'm in agreement over that. And to exress my gratitude to Him and in all situations to think that.

We have to use our understanding..common sense... it would be foolish not to. But when our understanding of a situation.. our logical conclusions.. our well laid out plans don't go the way we figure.. or when it seems we are being 'directed' against our logic or understanding. then we have to trust, that sense we are in God, He is directing the situation.

To do otherwise, at times, seems to be wisdom, and yet brings a hopelessness and a feeling of not-being-in-control over you. That is because, as hard as it may seem to do, we function best when depending on and trusting in God. That's why it brings health...It's in the owner's manual..

Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, what would you think?

The child was Beethoven.


Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates.

Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologers. He's had two Mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer, and never cheated on his wife.

Which of these candidates would be your Choice?

Candidate A: is Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Candidate B: is Winston Churchill.

Candidate C: is Adolph Hitler.

Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone. Never be afraid to try something new.

Remember: Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.


Tuesday, November 25, 2003

I watch my kids and see how many new things that they know but take for granted. They talk almost daily with people in various parts of the world by IM. They assume that the computer should just work and work fast! They have no problem thinking that everyone should have their own computer and should be able to work it by the time they are 4. This got me to thinking about what the world was like when I was a kid.. which got me thinking of my mom. She is 82 and living in a nursing home. She was born in 1919 and has seen so many changes in her life..

* 1919 The pop-up toaster invented by Charles Strite.
* 1920 The Band-Aid (pronounced 'ban-'dade) invented by Earle Dickson
* 1921 Artificial life begins -- the first robot built.
* 1922 The first 3-D movie (spectacles with one red and one green lens) is released.
* 1923 Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal. Clarence Birdseye invents frozen food.
* 1924 Notebooks with spiral bindings invented.
* 1925 The mechanical television a precursor to the modern television, invented by John Logie Baird.
* 1926 Robert H. Goddard invents liquid-fueled rockets
* 1927Philo Taylor Farnsworth invents a complete electronic TV system. Technicolor invented. Erik Rotheim patents an aerosol can.
* 1928 Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillinBubble gum invented by Walter E. Diemer. Jacob Schick patented the electric shaver.
* 1929Yo-Yo re-invented as an American fad.
* 1930 The frozen food process patented by Clarence Birdseye.
* 1931 The zoom lens and the light meter invented. Carl C. Magee invents the first parking meter.
* 1932Polaroid photography invented by Edwin Herbert Land.
* 1933 Stereo records invented. Richard M. Hollingshead builds a prototype drive-in movie theater in his driveway.
* 1934 Charles Darrow claims he invented the game Monopoly.
* 1935 Wallace Carothers and DuPont Labs invents nylon ( polymer 6.6.) The first canned beer made.
* 1936 Samuel Colt patents the Colt revolver.
* 1937 The first jet engine is built.
* 1938 The ballpoint pen invented by Ladislo Biro. Nescafe or freeze-dried coffee invented The first working turboprop engine.
* 1939 The electron microscope invented.
* 1940 Peter Goldmark invents modern color television.
* 1943 Richard James invents the slinky. James Wright invent silly putty.
* 1945 The atomic bomb invented.
* 1947Mobile phones first invented. Although cell phones were not sold commercially until 1983, AT&T came up with the idea way back.
* 1951 Super glue invented.
* 1954 The first nonstick pan produced.
* 1956 The first computer hard disk used.
* 1958 The modem invented.
* 1967 The first handheld calculator invented.
* 1968 The computer mouse invented by Douglas Engelbart. The first computer with integrated circuits made. Robert Dennard invented RAM (random access memory).
* 1969 The ATM invented.
* 1970 The floppy disk invented by Alan Shugart.
* 1972 The word processor invented. Hacky Sack® invented by John Stalberger and Mike Marshall.
* 1973 The ethernet (local computer network) invented by Robert Metcalfe and Xerox.
* 1979Cellular phones invented. Scott Olson invents roller blades.
* 1981 The first IBM-PC invented.
* 1984 The Apple Macintosh invented. The CD-ROM invented.
* 1985Windows program invented by Microsoft.
* 1990 The World Wide Web/Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML) created by Tim Berners-Lee.
* 1995DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc) invented.
* 1999Tekno Bubbles patented.
* 2001 AbioCor artificial heart invented by Abiomed - the Abiocor represents groundbreaking medical miniaturization technology.
* 2002 Braille Glove invented by Ryan Patterson.
* 2003 The No-Contact Jacket invented by Adam Whiton and Yolita Nugent, protects the wearer by electric shocking any attackers.

And this is just a few of all the things I found.. amazing!


Sunday, November 23, 2003


You can do it in vessels for getting you clean.
You can do it to fabric to stop being seen.
You are doing it when you've come up short.
You've done it too when you've equalled in sport.
This may sound like there should be images but then,
You can do all those things without pencil or pen.

What is the word?


Greep Hooke was asked by a priest to determine which FOUR (4) words below should be in his IN-BOX and which FOUR (4) words should be in his OUT-BOX.

The priest said that the real challenge however was to do so in such a way that each word in the IN-BOX be paired with a word in the OUT-BOX.


Question : How should the words be grouped and paired?


You can Draw a bath
You can Draw curtains
You can Draw a blank
You draw a match in sport if the scores are equal
You draw something to produce an image, but all the above uses of the word Draw don't require writing implements.

The Clue

Backward becomes Back Ward (Draw)

Words in the inbox are listed first, and the related word found in the outbox is listed second:


Words are grouped based on which of IN or OUT could be added to form a new word.

Words are paired based on where IN or OUT could be added to the word.

Hint : While IN could also be under IN-BOX to read INSANE, proper pairings would not be possible if that is done hence the hint. A SOUTANE is also called a CASSOCK. Crazy suggests INSANE.
(I don't think I get this even with the answers!)


Friday, November 21, 2003

A Person's Worth

What makes someone worthwhile.. what makes up someone's basic worth as a person? Are there some people who have no worth? Most people feel that their worth is dependent on other's opinions.. or on what they add to a situation or to life in general. They base it on who likes or dislikes them.. or whether they think they are likable or not. The way a person sees their worth directly affects their life. If affects their work, the way the associate with others, the type of lifestyle they choose, and even their will to live. A person has to believe they have worthwhile on the inside; it has to start in the heart.
Now, this is not to say that some actions aren't worthless. Many people do worthless actions; and many of those worthless actions make the person lose their rights to a free life. At times, their actions have caused them to lose their right to life itself.
It's hard at times to separate the worthless actions from the person. 'To love the sinner yet hate the sin'. But that's how God sees people. That's how He asks us to see people. No matter how low the person seems to get, how worthless his actions have become.. to see that his soul is made in God's image,.. to see that in God's eyes his soul was worth dieing for.
I feel the biggest obstacle to people having a good view of their worth is that they do not understand their worth to God, the One who created them. They are basing all of their worth on other people's opinion of them. And if they are lucky enough to be around people who care, they feel good. But the times that they are alone or with those who couldn't care less, they have no foundation to stand on. The foundation has to start with knowing that in God's eyes each of us-smart or not, beautiful or not, skillful or mentally challenged- no matter how society labels us- are made in His image and He loves us. Just the way we are. No improvement program needed. No strings attached, and no conditions.
Now, to know that kind of love gives one the foundation to stand when all others walk away. If the King of the Universe deems you are important enough to know how many hairs are on your head... then you are worthwhile!
This was harder to put into words than I thought.. I will keep working on this till I'm satisfied with it. It is such an important issue that I want to get it right.


Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Been thinking alot about what makes a person's worth... will post soon on some of my thoughts about it, soon.
Until then.. here is a fun little card someone sent me. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Click Here!


Sunday, November 16, 2003

I was really proud of my guys this morning being part of the worship band. Jim played lead guitar, Cory (14)played lead electric guitar, and Jesse (15)played the drums. There was another guy on bass and couple of singers. The music selection was nice..not too loud.. and well put together. Cory even got to have a small lead solo type part. It was hard to pay attention to the words of the songs because I was having fun just watching them play. It's not too often that a father and his sons get to be in the same band. Pretty fun stuff!


Friday, November 14, 2003

Fried chicken that I didn't have to cook... chocolate chip cookies.. and watching NEMO... makes for a nice Friday night... Come on over.. we have some cookies left!


Thursday, November 13, 2003

I was reading a post today on Rachel's blog of what she was thankful for. It reminded me of a business training lesson I had this last spring on changing our thinking habits.
1. Write down 10 things you are thankful for;
2. write down 10 things you have accomplished or are proud of yourself for doing.
The first one is easy but the second one is hard. Especially for those who view being 'proud' as a sin. Humility is great.. But we have to know what we do well ~ because this world can humiliate us pretty good sometimes all by itself. Let me know if you try this assignment and if it affected your outlook on life.
We were instructed to do this everyday for a few weeks. But the last week it was a lot easier to see what was positive in my life.
Now if only everyone else could see how much I rock! HA!


Tuesday, November 11, 2003

I live near the Boeing company.. well, not as close as I used to, but still pretty close. These guys have collected tons of planes from all over, new and old. So they built this amazing Museum of Flight that displays all of the planes they have. They have them hanging from the ceiling, all over the floor, on different levels, inside and outside, etc. It is located at the Seattle Boeing Airport. I was just reading Tom's blog and he mentioned a new plane that the museum is getting which is the concord. I didn't get to see it in flight but I am so excited to go see it. I haven't been to the museum in a few years and this makes it worth the small trip to go back!

Had an interesting conversation with my sister this last weekend. I have always believed her to be a Christian. I believe that she believes that Jesus died for her.. But then on the other side she has the most bizarre beliefs of anyone I have personally talked to. Very philosophical about all of life. If it can't be proved then it probably was real... Except for Evolution.. Then it is the gospel truth..

"Evolution is real"
'Most of the Old Testament is just Man's attempt to explain God just like any other religion"
"Heaven and Hell are not real"
"Satan isn't real"
"God is the author of Good and evil"

My eyes were like O_O all weekend with these talks!!..
The only way I can figure it is that she has illogically compartmentalized her belief in Jesus from all this other 'stuff' she believes...I am glad I'm not the One who has to separate the tares from the wheat...


Monday, November 10, 2003

The get-a-way went really well. None of the tenseness that I expected was there. I was able to have some needed deep talks with one of my sisters that is very close to me. And some lesser deep, but good talks with the other two. The main thing that I walked away from the weekend with was an awe of how protected my life has been. Not in the sheltered way, or naive way, but in the emotional pain and healing that my sisters have had to deal with all their adult lives. They shared some with me of things that they have learned about great grandparents, and uncles or aunts. It reads like a pulp-fiction story. Not very nice things and most of it affected my older siblings one way or another, either directly or indirectly. I have had some indirect affects in my life from my parents past but not like they have. I have explained it to a friend like this: It reminds me of an accident where one person gets seriously hurt or dies, and the other one walks away with just a scratch. I have walked away with barely a scratch...and they are still trying to heal the pain of various childhood pains. It makes me wonder at God's soveriengity. Why He chooses one person over another.. What purpose am I part of that He wanted me to be free of this kind of pain? What future am I part of, or my children are part of that He wanted us to be emotionally healthy? It is amazing at best. Sometimes it is easier to look at someone who has gone through alot of pain or suffering and is coming out of it to minister to others, and think I can 'see' why God chose them to suffer. Because they are doing more for others then if they had not.. It is the same way with a personal testimony. It seems like the ones we think are great ones are the ones that show how much God has saved a person from. But testimonies like mine, where God has always been a part of my life, and I have never fought with doubt or major spiritual struggles, seem 'weak' in comparison. What is God purpose for protecting me so much? What good does it do for me to have this kind of walk with Him for so long? Kind of simplistic questions... but they do run through my mind this week....
I know that my walk has been a strength for my kids... that I do know.. I know that my lack of struggles hasn't made me less compassionate... And I know that I am thankful for it all.


Thursday, November 06, 2003

I'm off for a two night get-a-way with my three sisters. It should be fun.. it may prove to be interesting.. as we do really great with fun surface issues.. but really crash if it goes much deeper. Various disfunctions of growing I will leave it at that... and ask for prayer. Also, pray for Jim and the kids as life is always interesting without me. At least they appreciate me more when I get back! *HG*


Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Life changes...

#1...Today the plywood was delivered for the roof of the garage/apartment that we are building. This is a major new life change for us. It is going to be the apartment for my mom-in-law to move into when she retires from Boeing this winter.
So we finally decided to build a garage and put a mom-n-law apartment on top. She is paying for it as she can so it is going sort of slow. But now Jim and Jesse and Cory are putting the roof on. If we get her dried in sooner, she may move before she actually retires. Her apartment will be about 1000 sq ft. It turned out pretty nice for a retired lady's needs.
#2... We had to do some major overhauling of our business in the last couple of years. No more employees, downsizing.. etc. to this point of a stable-but-not-moving-anywhere level. And now God has opened up this whole new idea for Jim. A man in our scout troop has been after Jim for a couple of years now and it finally coming together. He is going to train Jim to install Corian hard surface for countertops and bathrooms etc. It is a specialized area and they do not have enough installers in this area for the demand. So the possibilities of a consistent income are 100% better than what we've had for a long time. The garage is going to be his workroom and so he is anxious to get it finished so he can start. This guy is sending Jim down to Vegas for a three day training in this area, in Dec. It is all very exciting.
#3... in the meantime of building the garage we will be finally putting in drywall downstairs. Jesse and Cory have been living in an unfinished basement with just 2x4 for walls. Not much privacy! So they are excited to think they might even get doors to their rooms this winter.


Tuesday, November 04, 2003

oh..and I am reading through Charasmatic Chaos... hmmm There is alot there to chew on and I will have to post some of my thoughts that have come to me through that book so far... Only in chapt 4 so I have some more to go.
Plus have read some interesting things also Pro for Old Earth Creationism. I am really not ready to say one way or the other on this issue.. it is too easy to sound like I am in a camp... and I am not. If nothing else this summer, God has taught me that I have had so much self-righteous judgements on people without really knowing them or where they are coming from. It happened with this issue too. God is so much bigger than our view of Him that I just can't be dogmatic on this issue. Maybe someday I will come to a deeper conclusion on this, but for now I am enjoying learning about both sides.

I think I will stick with Blogger for the time being..

Was lying in bed the other night, thinking about unconditional love; what is it.. how do you know you have it for someone.. etc.
The closest I can come to understanding it is in thinking of my kids. The first time I had a glimps of it was with my first born. It totally amazed me that I could love someone whom had never done anything for me. She just laid there needing me all the time, and all I could do was love her. So, I thought about my kids now and people in my life that I have unconditional love for. They can't really do anything for me that I can't do for myself so it's not based on their actions to or for me. My care for them has nothing to do with their care for me or even if they like me. It's cool to have a relationship with them and I get a kick out of being with them, but it isn't necessary for how I feel. It is totally amazing how that happens. Unasked for.. sometimes undeserved... but always in the background.

And as I lay there thinking of my kids and all, God hit me again... The thought came of how I totally don't deserve His unconditional love.. and how much He does...
Amazing Love..


Monday, November 03, 2003

Several people I know have switched or want to switch from a free weblog space such as the illustrious Blogger, to a paid domain. I have not run into much trouble with Blogger mostly because I usually write up my posts in Word and then transfer it and so I don't lose the posts by Blogger as some do. I also don't seem to have much trouble with Haloscan. So, with those two issues out of the way, what do the masses feel are the compelling reasons one should get into a personal domain?


Sun Dappled Country Roads

  • Pic by Morgan at Kabota Gardens, Tukwila, WA.






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